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Awesome results for BMW 135i

Awesome results for BMW 135i

How did it go? ... VERY WELL! We can now complete one full session which we have never done before due to the brakes overheating and the pedal...

Works Great for Sprint Cars

Works Great for Sprint Cars

Opening night we didn't have your product installed. Kind of hard on the brakes and they responded as I was used to. Next night, Your product...

Track Wisdom

"The mark of a great racer is consistency. If you can consistently lap a track at the limit, with the lap times varying no more than 1/2 second, then you have a chance to be a winner. If your lap times vary more than that, no matter how fast some of them are, you won't win often."

-- Ross Bentley, Speed Secrets

2004-2005 996 GT3 (R)