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Keeps my caliper seals from cooking.

Keeps my caliper seals from cooking.

The Brembo brakes on my Nissan Sport-sponsored 350Z T2 racecar are a huge strength. Using Hoosier R-compounds generates additional heat over the...

Essential for Production Race Cars

Essential for Production Race Cars

I remember the days in the 80s and 90s, when one of the key skills in driving a production race car was keeping from bending your brake pad backers. ...

Track Wisdom

"The mark of a great racer is consistency. If you can consistently lap a track at the limit, with the lap times varying no more than 1/2 second, then you have a chance to be a winner. If your lap times vary more than that, no matter how fast some of them are, you won't win often."

-- Ross Bentley, Speed Secrets

Pagid Brake Pad #

This listing shows the Pagid brake pad model numbers that our titanium alloy heat shields are available for.  Pagid is a very popular track pad for top racers, and our heat shields are a good match to help you get the most out of your braking system.  If you prefer, you can also search by Hawk Brake Pad part number , our section for Car Make and Model or our section for Racing Caliper Applications .  If you don't see what you need here please contact us to see about adding it to the catalog.